FlexFit app

and my thoughts of this project

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Postnatal app feature:

Exercise app

Mental health

Nutrition app

Baby tips

Sleep log

FlexFit design thinking process

Phase 1
Empathise phase FlexFit
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The Empathize stage involves conducting research to gain a comprehensive understanding of the app users, including their challenges, frustrations, pain points, motivations, and context ... It is crucial to identify the target audience and uncover the underlying issues in order to design an effective app for postpartum mothers. By understanding their unique needs, concerns, and emotions, the app can be tailored to provide solutions related to postnatal exercise, mental health, nutrition, and baby care tips

  • Litterature review
  • Competitive analyse
  • Feature analyse
  • Interview
  • Swot analyse
Phase 2
Define phase FlexFit
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Define stage combines all the research from the previous step. Analyze and observe ... where the users problems exists. What are their needs? Find the target user's central problem, create a problem statement that will be referred to throughout the rest of the design process

  • Persona
  • Empathy maps
  • Problem statement
  • Storyboard
  • User scenario
  • Moodboard
Phase 3
Ideate phase FlexFit
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The ideate stage focuses on generating a range of ideas, thinking creatively and ... outside of the box with a focus on the user’s need identified in the defined stage. View problems from different angles with the aim of creating innovative ideas for the postnatal app

  • Brainstorming session
  • Mind map
  • Affinity map
  • User journey
  • Userflow
  • taskflow
  • Information architecture
Phase 4
Prototype phase FlexFit
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Prototyping in UX design is essential. It brings ideas to life for early user testing, saving time and money by catching issues early ... This iterative process refines the design, ensuring a user-friendly experience and meeting expectations. By bridging the gap between ideas and reality, prototypes prevent costly mistakes during development.

  • MoSCow techniques
  • Mid-fidelity prototype
  • Design system
  • Design components
Phase 5
Test phase FlexFit
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The testing phase is crucial in UX design. It helps gather valuable user feedback, ensuring the product meets their needs. ... Testing identifies issues and glitches, refining the design for a better user experience. It also provides insights into user behavior, guiding data-driven decisions for a more user-centered design. By incorporating user feedback, the final product is more likely to satisfy users and foster loyalty.

  • Recruting
  • Planning
  • Usability testing
  • Capture data
  • Affinity mapping
  • Design iteration