Problem statement

Postnatal women aged 27-42 years of age (who/audience) are struggling to prioritise and improve their fitness and mental health postpartum (what/problem) because they lack the knowledge, time, motivation, and an accessible and easy solution (why/reason) that can provide them with the support they need. If we could solve this problem, it could have a positive impact on... the health of postnatal mothers during the postnatal phase and ensure that they have relevant information and guidance that would promote better health outcomes overall.


1. Create detailed user personas and empathy map based on extensive research to understand the diverse needs and preferences of postnatal women, including their exercise, mental health, nutrition, and baby-related concerns

2. Problem statement: Clearly define the primary challenges and pain points that postnatal women face regarding exercise, mental health, nutrition, and baby information to serve as a focal point for solution development

3. Explore the context in which the persona would use the app, including daily routines and time constraints.

4. Explore visual elements and design styles that resonate with postnatal users. Determine the color schemes, typography, and overall aesthetics that can create a soothing and inviting app environment.

Primary persona


A persona was created based on data gathered from interviews and a literature review (Insights). ... This persona, Jessica captures the characteristics, interests, and motivation of the app's ideal user. Jessica desires to get back in shape, and feel strong, energized, and happy so she can be a better parent, but also regain confidence and be less self-conscious about her body and more present. By understanding Jessica's aspiration, FlexFit can tailor its content, features, and engagement strategies to resonate with users who share her goals.

Empathy map

Empathy map

This empathy map is built from data gathered during the empathize stage, giving me valuable insights into the needs of postnatal users. ... By understanding their thoughts, feelings, and challenges, I can develop content and features to provide support during stressful times. This user-focused approach ensures that the app prioritizes what matters most to new mothers, making it more effective and user-friendly. Using real insights and data from interviews and research helps us avoid making assumptions about postnatal needs, ensuring the app aligns closely with what users truly want.

Story board, user secenarios and mood board
