Test stage

The "EasyLift" app is currently in the testing phase of UX design. This phase focuses on ensuring the design's user-friendliness and effectiveness by identifying and fixing usability issues, technical problems, and design flaws. Feedback collected during testing helps improve the design, leading to a more user-centered final product. Testing provides insights into user behavior and performance metrics, such as task success rates and user satisfaction scores. Incorporating user feedback into the design process is essential for creating a user-centered, functional, and optimized design that meets user needs and business goals.

Usabilty test goals

1. Identify User Issues: Uncover problems users face during interaction and with navigation and content.

2. Evaluate Task Performance: Assess how well users complete tasks and find obstacles.

3. Gather Feedback: Collect qualitative and quantitative user feedback.

4. Assess Learnability: Evaluate how quickly users grasp product use.

5. Measure Effectiveness: Assess if users achieve their goals with the product.

6. Collect Data on Error Rates: Track and analyze user errors.

7. Evaluate Aesthetics and Design Elements: Assess visual design and interface.

7. Quantify User Satisfaction: Measure user satisfaction with surveys to identify areas that may need improvement

8. Prioritize Design Changes: Identify critical issues for immediate action

Participant selection

Participant selection

Usability testing is about understanding how real users interact with a product. Choosing the right participants, who match the target user group, is key to getting valuable and relevant feedback ... This helps designers make informed decisions for a better user experience. Testing with the right users can efficiently identify issues, reducing the need for extensive retesting later in the development process.

Design itteration

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Usabilty test task 1
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Usability test metrics
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Atmoic research
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Design itteration

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Usabilty test task 1
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Usability test metrics
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Atomic research
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Design itterationr