Problem statement

Target Audience (WHO): Millennials, Generation Z, and Baby Boomers. Problem (WHAT): Lack of accessible and engaging environmental education, particularly regarding the significance of bees and bats, leading to a gap in environmental awareness among these generations. Reason (WHY): These generations are highly environmentally conscious but require a user-friendly, educational app to deepen their knowledge and inspire informed environmental action, ultimately bridging the generational gap in environmental awareness and fostering sustainability.


1. Create detailed user personas and empathy map based on extensive research to understand the diverse needs and preferences of millenials and gen Z that are passionate about the enviroment that wants to contribute to the the bees and bat enviromental consevation.

2. Problem statement: Clearly define the primary challenges and pain points that millenials and gen z individuals that are environmentally-conscious are facing. These challenges will serve as a focal point for generating ideas and solutions for the enviromental educational app.

3. Explore the context in which the persona would use the app, including daily routines and time constraints.

4. Explore visual elements and design styles that resonate with postnatal users. Determine the color schemes, typography, and overall aesthetics that can create a soothing and inviting app environment.

Primary persona


A persona was created based on data gathered from interviews and literature review(insights). ... This Persona is named Wiliam a bee-protecting enthusiast in his 30s, who is passionate about protecting pollinators and fostering environmental awareness. By understanding Williams's preferences and motivations X-plore can tailor its content, features, and engagement strategies to provide users like him with the information, content, features and resources they need to make a difference while using the X-plore app.

Empathy map

Empathy map

This empathy map is designed from research conducted in the empathy stage. ... It helps me better understand what the apps target audience thinks, feels, and needs regarding bee and bat conservation. By using this map, i can tailor the app's features and content to resonate with Millennials, Generation Z, and Generation Alpha, encouraging them to support these creatures' conservation efforts.

Story board, user secenarios and mood board
