Project: App development

case study

My role: UX designer

Discover, Connect, and Bee the Change! Together, for Bees and Bats

X-plore environmental app can serve as a powerful tool to foster environmental consciousness, facilitate collective action, and contribute to the preservation of the planet for future generations

X-plore app feature:

Enviromental content



Post and events

Chat and forum

About this project

X-plore app

This semester's project aims to create an environmental learning app that focuses on protecting and helping bees and bats, which are essential for growing the fruits and vegetables that we eat. ... Bees pollinate plants during the day, while bats pollinate night-blooming plants like agave, used to make tequila. The app will help people protect these amazing creatures and make a positive environmental impact. Over a four-week timeframe, I will conduct research that forms the foundation for generating ideas, building a prototype, and testing it to gather valuable insight into the app users' needs and preferences. The goal is also to create an app that aligns with Xplore’s mission to make a difference

Explore, Learn, stay updated with X-plore Environmental app!

This app provides a rich selection of video content and articles dedicated to the topics of environmental conservation, bees, and bats. ... Users have the flexibility to select from articles and videos of varying lengths, allowing them to delve as deeply as they wish into these subjects. For new users, the platform offers a personalized knowledge journey, enabling them to align their learning experience with their comfort level and specific goals.

Explore, post, stay updated with X-plore Environmental app!

This application offers users a comprehensive view of all environmental content, including posts, images, and text. It enables users to engage by commenting, reacting, and sharing posts ... The homepage provides access to the latest information, posts, and event updates, keeping users informed. This feature encourages interaction and cultivates a sense of community among users, contributing to the spread of awareness and knowledge about crucial environmental issues. Additionally, the "post" feature promotes user engagement, as it allows them to actively participate and express their thoughts, thereby increasing the likelihood of users returning to the app

Explore, participate, stay updated with X-plore Environmental app

The X-plore app's event feature unites the community for environmental causes like tree planting and clean-ups. ... It educates users on sustainability and hosts eco-friendly workshops. Users can organize recycling and energy conservation events, promoting resource preservation. Additionally, it connects like-minded people and organizations to boost the impact of environmental initiatives.

Explore, connect stay updated with X-plore Environmental app
My profile

X-plore app lets you personalize your profile with images and interests, making the app more engaging and relevant. ... Connect with like-minded users, join eco-communities, and collaborate on eco-friendly projects. Access educational resources, quizzes, and forums to stay informed and drive positive change.

Explore, chat, stay updated with X-plore Environmental app

X-plore includes an integrated chat feature that serves as a powerful tool for bringing people together. ... This feature encourages community-building and facilitates discussions, knowledge-sharing, and collaboration on crucial environmental issues. The chat feature plays a significant role in enhancing user engagement and fostering meaningful connections within the community. X-plore empowers users to share their insights, promoting the idea of working together for a sustainable future. This inclusive approach encourages a collective sense of responsibility and a deeper understanding of environmental challenges. It motivates users to make informed decisions and take actionable steps towards preserving the environment. X-plore seamlessly connects users through a user-friendly chat interface, making it easy for them to interact and collaborate.

Summary for X-plore app semester project

This project allowed me to enhance my creative thinking and user-centric design skills ... One of the challenges I encountered while designing the X-plore app was how to create an engaging and intuitive environmental learning app, with a specific focus on the declining bee and bat population, targeted both environmental enthusiasts and users unfamiliar with this subject. My lack of personal experience and knowledge in this field made it difficult to address the unique needs, emotions, and challenges of potential users of this app. This area was relatively new to me. Despite the challenges, this project was both demanding and enjoyable. It enabled me to immerse myself in the users' context, their frustrations, and motivations through research, which provided a solid foundation for the design process. Through a combination of literature reviews and interviews, I gathered essential insights to create a user persona. Competitor and SWOT analyses also contributed to a comprehensive understanding of this project. This research phase facilitated the generation of a problem statement that guided subsequent design steps, including ideation and prototyping. This process was personally fulfilling as it led to a solution that genuinely met users' needs. Reflecting on the project with more time, I would focus on implementing additional gamification elements and rewards to motivate users to contribute to the environment, engage in more challanges, quizzes, create and participate in enviromental events. But also develop feature that allows users to calculate the environmental impact of different choices, such as their transportation mode or diet. This can help them make more informed decisions. These feature will enhance the overall user experience of the app.